We welcomed all voters -- Democrats, independents, Republicans, even an avowed Libertarian -- to participate in the straw poll. Voters cast ballots on the following two questions:
- Which Democrat will win your vote for President in 2008?
- What are the most important issues the South Dakota Legislature should address in its 2008 session?
Total ballots cast: 68
Presidential Straw Poll (Total Ballots Marked = 63):
- Hillary Clinton: 27 votes = 43%
- Barack Obama: 15 votes = 24%
- John Edwards: 10 votes = 16%
- Bill Richardson: 7 votes = 11%
- Dennis Kucinich: 4 votes = 6%
- Mike Gravel, Chris Dodd, and Joe Biden: 0 votes, 0%
ranked in order of importance, 1 = most important, 9 = least important:
- Health Care (average ranking of 2.6 )
- Education (2.8)
- Environment (3.4)
- Energy (3.9)
- Taxes (4.2)
- Open Government (4.9)
- Economic Development (5.2)
- Gambling (6.7)
- Abortion (7.5)
- Health care and education were both marked as priorities for the legislature on 57 ballots. Health care was ranked as the #1 issue by 17 voters. Education was ranked as the #1 issue by 16 voters.
- Abortion was left blank on 33 ballots, 49% of all cast. On the 33 ballots on which abortion was ranked, 2 voters marked it as their #1 issue. 20 voters ranked abortion #9, behind all other listed issues.
- Other issues ranked #1: environment (7 #1 rankings), taxes (6), open government and energy (3 each), gambling and economic development (2 each).
- Other issues ranked #9: gambling (4 #9 rankings), taxes and open government (1 each).
- Most, but not all, voters ranked all nine listed issues. Some voters ranked only their top 3 or 4 issues; some voters simply marked with Xs the two or three issues they are most concerned about. The averages listed above are based only on numerical rankings given to each issue.
- Two voters made a point of ranking abortion lower than #9. Those rankings (15 and 231) have been counted as 9s.
LC Dems in the news! Straw Poll coverage by KJAM!