
Democratic Main Street HQ Opens for DSU Parade!

The new Lake County Democratic Party Headquarters is open! We kicked off with our grand opening and bake sale yesterday during the Dakota State University "Trojan Days" Homecoming Parade. Headquarters is located on the north 200 block of Egan Avenue, in the old antique/saddle & tack shop. Stop in, pick up some yard signs and campaign literature, and ask what you can do to help Democrats win in November!

Scott Parsley and his mom Mary are all smiles about Scott's District 8 Senate campaign. So is county party chair Joan Stamm, behind them at the table, as more support rolls in!

District 8 House candidate Gerry Lange takes a lunch break after marching the length of Egan Avenue for the Homecoming parade. Lake Herman neighbor and county party treasurer Cory Heidelberger has to hold on tight to keep up with Gerry!

Gerry's partner on the House ticket, Mitch Fargen of Flandreau, loves Madison! He had a great time at the parade, then went knocking on doors—a true campaigner!

Public Utilities Commission candidate Matt McLarty enjoyed meeting lots of Madison voters along the sunny parade route.

We've got 'em on the run! GOP Senate candidate Joel Dykstra takes one look at the Lake County Democrats Headquarters and heads for the hills!

What's GOP Senate candidate Russ Olson thinking? "Dang! I wish the Republicans had nice headquarters like that!"


2008 Election Information

Important Dates
  • October 20: Deadline to register to vote in the November 4 general election.
  • November 4: Election Day! Get out and vote Dem!
Important Links


Students: Want a Cool Job? Intern for Stephanie!

Hey, Lake County students! Want to be part of a winning team and get some great work experience and even academic credit to boot? Sign up to be an intern for Stephanie Herseth Sandlin's re-election campaign! The Herseth Sandlin campaign blog says they are taking apps for interns at all three campaign offices (Sioux Falls, Aberdeen, and Rapid City). Check out their blog and the campaign website, then call the campaign and send your app! Here are the contact people:

In Sioux Falls, contact Emily at (605)332-1901
In Rapid City, contact Erin McCarrick at (605)716-3391
In Aberdeen, contact William Anderson at (605)725-2710