
$12 for '12: Donate Now!

Contribute to the Lake County Dems through ActBlueLet's build the groundwork now for a successful campaign in 2012. We have local candidates to recruit and train, educational programs to host, speakers to invite... Lots to do! You can help by contributing to our "$12 for '12" Fund.

Give $12 today for victory in 2012. Or go big: schedule a $12 donation each month for 12 months.

Use your credit card to make a quick and easy donation through ActBlue, a secure online political donation service. ActBlue has helped Democrats across South Dakota and across the United States raise money.

$12 for '12: donate today!


Next Meeting, New Facebook Page!

Hello, fellow Dems! We're meeting Friday night, 6 p.m., at Nicky's to discuss Tuesday's results and look ahead to 2012. Bring your thinking caps!

Also bring your Facebook account: we're adding the big social media! See the new Lake County Democrats (SD) page on Facebook for updates and discussion.